Tuesday, November 1, 2016

English Short-Faced Tumbler

tumbler english pigeons
Englischer Shortfaced Tümmler  -  Culbutant Anglais à courte face  -  English Short-Faced Tumbler
The English Shorfaced Tumbler - or also known by the names: Culbutant Anglais à Courte Face, Englischer Shortfaced Tümmler, Capitombolante Inglese a Faccia Corta, Английский короткоклювый турман - a variety that originated in England, yet has not obtained a reference since when began to be developed, estimated only in the 18th century. Varieties are classified as type tumbler pigeons (tümmler tauben) has the ability to fly was good, but now the development is intended only for display. This variety is actually very popular, and has been widely cultivated, both in Europe and in America.

tumbler pigeons

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